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Showing posts from 2014

How To Iterate Dictionary Object

Dictionary is a object that can store values in Key-Value pair. its just like a list, the only difference is: List can be iterate using index(0-n) but not the Dictionary . Generally when we try to iterate the dictionary we get below error: " Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. " So How to parse a dictionary and modify its values?? To iterate dictionary we must loop through it's keys or key - value pair. Using keys

How To Select First Option using jQuery AutoComplete

When we have a list of values and want to select one of them, we chose DropdownBox or jQuery AutoComplete for listing the element in HMTL. The modern approach to show this kind of listing is one of the most user friendly jQury Auto Complete. When we integrate jQuery AutoComplete with minimal options it gives us facility to select any option from the list as we type in inputbox. Here is the simplest code if we want to get this work with our input-box: $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({ source: availableTags }); Now if we want the first list item to be selected by default when we type in some letters, here is what to do. We just have to trigger 'select' event of the Auto Complete and we are done. $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({ source: availableTags })._trigger('select'); And here is what we get as we type 'P' in Input Box Happy coding :)

Trim Dropdown Options Using JQuery

This is the HTML of my dropdown list. I have whitespace before and after each of option for this select/ dropdown. And here is a easy way to trim these option values using jQuery each method and javascript trim method. ajab prem Ki Gajab Kahani ajab prem Ki Gajab Kahani